Music, MainKevin Hyde

Fourth of July Special Classic Rock Countdown

Music, MainKevin Hyde
Fourth of July Special Classic Rock Countdown

The Fourth of July word cloud (combine as you see fit): hot dogs, summer, beach, freedom, Hancock, independence, tax, liberty, of, by, for, people, tea, shore, Philadelphia, rock, flag, eagle, shortcake, freedom, Washington, sun, fireworks, waves, cook-out, Jefferson, revolutionary, sacrifice, Tremain, patriot, The Patriot, hamburgers, picnic, sparklers, beer, freedom, 1776, love, country, red, white, blue.This version of "Can't Hardly Wait" beats out all other versions of "Can't Hardly Wait" in such an apparent way that it would be foolish—borderline reckless, really—to argue otherwise. All Stinson guitar and Westerberg passion. This is a great song in all its iterations, but it is truly a song among songs in this form, the Tim Version. This is the only song to which I would climb a water tower.